Hello World Colors

Slate Blue. Crimson. Peach Puff. A beautiful color with a beautiful name with every shuffle! A free and open-source "Hello, World!" app made with Flutter.

Natively on Android. In your browser on Android, ChromeOS, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, and more.
Hello World Colors running on Android
Hello World Colors running in a web browser


Slate Blue. Crimson. Peach Puff. A beautiful color with a beautiful name with every shuffle! A free and open-source "Hello, World!" app made with Flutter.

Hello World

I'm learning Flutter, and this is one of my first Hello World Flutter apps.

Hello World apps are pretty famous, even if all they usually do is write "Hello, World!" on the screen. Starting with such a simple program has become a tradition when learning a new programming language or platform.

Flutter is a UI toolkit for crafting beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

Open Source

Hello World Colors is free and doesn't contain any advertisements. It contains no permissions, either, so you don't have to worry about your privacy being compromised.

It's also open source. The project is hosted on GitHub and licensed under the MIT license. I look forward to your feedback or contributions!